Saturday, July 24, 2010

Letting go.

Our house is still on the market.  We had a buyer after the first open house in early June.  She backed out after nearly a month.  Nothing is wrong with our house; she didn't get an offer on hers after just 2 weeks and panicked.  She felt overextended and pulled her house off the market.

I've been working very hard to let go of my anger, resentment, and negative energy over this.  Part of me felt that offer was too good to be true, but I still trusted that buyer.  She said she loved the house and really did want it.  But her actions have screwed us over.  Out of consideration for her and her offer, we did not aggressively market the house for that month.  Once she pulled out, we needed to launch back into action.  And now I worry that our house has the inaccurate reputation of "well, it's been on the market for 48 days so something must be wrong with it."  

Because I basically suck at not being able to control a situation, I've been searching for anything to help me feel as if I am helping the process along.  We continue to do the minor repairs and touch-ups that don't really make or break the sale of a house, but make us feel as if we've left nothing to chance.  We've buried Saint Joseph upsidedown next to the "For Sale" sign and I've searched for blessings that are meant to attract buyers and/or inspire a quick sale of a property. 

While all the blessings and props vary, they share a recurrent theme of clearing the house of the existing energy, letting go of the house and the fear of the sale, and allowing the house to seek and accept new energies/occupants.  There's nothing in the blessings about buyers; it's all about the current owners letting go.  So I'm wondering if my stress about the process and my annoyance toward that first buyer is getting in the way of an offer.  I don't mean a direct link, but maybe the energy of this house is disrupted by my negativity and instead is directing itself toward caring for me and my family, as it's done for 11 years. 

I was a talking to a friend yesterday about how we search for direction and action in times of despair or confusion. The conversation turned to the idea of appealing to the energies of the Universe, prayers and spirituality, psychic power, and vision boards. She told me that once, years ago, she had a cat who was very anti-social, mean, and destructive. Nothing seemed to help this cat; not a change in diet, full veterinarian exams, or catnip. Even for a cat this one seemed particularly "unhappy" with life. After about a year of trying to connect with the cat, my friend was referred to a pet psychic (she was living in San Francisco at the time). She called the psychic, who apparently didn't need to visit or meet the cat, but over the phone could sense the problem. According to the psychic, it wasn't the cat's issue, it was my friend. The pet psychic advised my friend to let go of negative energies and be more open and welcoming to affection. She claimed my friend subconsciously did not want to own a cat and had thus inadvertently disrupted the natural flow of energy.

My friend thought this was a bit odd, but admitted that she likely wasn't very appealing to the cat now since she really didn't like the cat anymore.  She chose to give the cat away, and has had better success with other cats since.

This friend tells this story as "proof" that the psychic was just a step away from scam.  After all, it's impossible to prove the psychic was wrong.  But to me it is the essence of cognitive behavioral therapy--by changing our thinking we can change our behavior and vice versa.  And that if we seek change in others we must first change ourselves, because we ultimately can't change another person.  They might change in response to us, but true change is internal.

All this leads me back to seeking blessings to attract a buyer.  While some of my external behavior indicates the change is in process (we close on the new house in 9 days and are scheduling movers), maybe I haven't really let go of this house. 

I am encouraged this weekend, though.  I've done some of the blessings, have a smudging ceremony planned for tomorrow morning before the open house, and will burn candles and incense aimed at attracting peace, harmony, and creativity.  And here I publicly forgive that buyer, Ms. J.W at 19 S. St.  I'm sorry it didn't work out.  The house and I forgive you, and are ready to transfer our energies to a new buyer.

Oh, and we're in a waxing moon phase, which is the recommended time for attracting new energies.

A buyer is out there, and I have faith the Universe will direct them to our house this weekend.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

I guess we live here now.

I've lived in my current city since 1994.  The first 5 years I rented apartments as a tenant-at-will. The very idea I could give 30 days notice and go somewhere else helped me delay any decisions about where I really might want to live.  When my husband and I bought our first house, we said it was for "5-7" years.  We had vague plans to not live here--based mostly on assumption and stereotype about the city and urban living.  We saw ourselves in the suburbs, as if that guaranteed a better life for us.

And then we had babies and I started graduate school.  It made no sense to move out of the area during that time, especially since school and work were each 5-10 minutes away.  And then husband's perfect job emerged--also 5-10 minutes from the house.  For years we kept saying "next year we'll move."  And then we looked closely at the details of where we lived and realized it's actually an amazing city.  (And one in which, despite the economic downturn, has continued to prioritize schools and family services.)  The city still has an underdog reputation, and has some undeniably shady history, but the past 15 years has seen a revitalization and emphasis on community that we have generally under-appreciated.

Our lifestyles emerged around urban conveniences.  Delivery at any hour of any type of cuisine.  A short commute to some of the most famous cultural, medical, and educational venues in the country.  The fact our children have friends from around the world and are growing up with an inherent acceptance and appreciation for difference.  And while this is something we'd teach them, I do love the fact we can "walk the walk" every single day.  It wasn't until college that I knew anybody who wasn't almost exactly like me.  Giving up the idea of a huge yard, distance from neighbors, and a two car garage was easier than we thought it would be.  Our lives are busy--we don't have time for yard work anyway.  We like our neighbors so it's not a problem that we can see into their windows and know what they are having for dinner if they forget to pull the blinds.  And though we still dream of a garage, we're gaining off-street parking in our new house and that is progress enough.   Plus, you gotta have dreams, right?

Our quality of life here is undeniable.  My husband's job often requires him to return to work in the evenings, even if just for an hour or so.  Living where we do means he can still be involved with after school pick up, dinner, and bedtime, and get back to work.  Now that our older child is in second grade, her class takes field trips all over the city to museums, green spaces, free concerts, and the occasional movie at a local independent movie house, at minimal expense and maximum ease.  And my husband and I can chaperon because it only means a couple of hours away from work, not a full day.  It really is a good balance for our family and we are happy with it.

But for years we have also accepted the distance from some of the people whom we consider our primary tribe because of the promise of someday being their neighbors.  These are people we've known for 20 years that I consider extensions of my heart and soul.  The hardest part about admitting we aren't moving out of the city is admitting we won't be living 5 minutes from them.  I've ignored that for the better part of 5 years.  Buying a new house in our current city has forced me to admit we really live here now, and are here to stay.

In practice, nothing will change.  We will make the 45 minute drive for parties and important events.  They will come to us, we will go to them.  But for so long I believed they would also be the "let's meet for coffee in an hour" or "my car died can you pick up my kids" friends.  I had looked forward to the day when getting together involved less advance planning and coordination.  To fully admit that this won't be the case has created an unexpected mourning period, which makes me feel silly.  After all, by not moving an hour away I'm staying close to some of the other members of the same tribe.  But I still feel like for years I said one thing and am now doing the opposite.  A little part of me is fighting social insecurity, as if the revocation of the promise to live down the road will be held against me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Now that I've made my bed . . .

Remember how your high school English teacher would tell you "write first, title last"?  That the title should come from the body of the work to reflect a key sentiment, phrase, or image?  Well, I've never been able to do that.  I'm type A and I do things In Order, and I could never get my left brain to accept that naming a piece was the last step.  After all, it's the first thing you read.  So it goes first.  (I also judge books by their cover, but what can you do?)

I don't have a title for this entry, and I'm typing blind (no, not literally.  geez).  I wanted to write, I have some time (see what waking up unassisted at 5am can lead to?), and I have so much on my brain.  Let's see what blogging does.

Our house is on the market.  We've been working like crazy people for two weeks to get it ready because we have an accepted offer on another house.  Not the one I originally walked by each day to ask it to help me out, but the one in the neighborhood that must have heard me and decided it wanted me because it went on the market about two weeks into my walks.

It's very odd living in a house you are trying to sell.  We decluttered and cleaned (OK, we hired people to do that for us).  The place looks amazing.  AMAZING.  I saw the listing and thought "I want to buy that house."  I'm so proud of how it looks and all the work we've done over the years.  Especially the care and maintenance my husband has given the home.  He often drives me nuts with some of what I see as overly obsessive details, but in this case, some of that has paid off. (SOME of that.  Not all.  He reads this and I need him to know this is not carte blanche for the rest of what I hope will be 60+ more years together.  I will still argue that some things can be ignored without any consequence.)

We had our first showing yesterday and two more scheduled for today, and our open house is this weekend.  I'm excited and uneasy at the same time.  Having strangers walk through and judge your most personal spaces is weird.  It's just weird.  And though most of what makes it personal has been removed or hidden away, I'm thinking more about how the energy here is personal.  We've already shaken it up by turning our home into a show piece (we do NOT live this way, and the house knows it).  I want at least one of these strangers to love the house and buy it, obviously.  But I want all the people who see it to like it and appreciate it, because it is a reflection on me in some way.  I hear Sally Field's Oscar speech in my head as we get ready for the showings.  ("You like me!  You really like me!")

I have all the expected feelings about this process.  Excited for the new house.  A little sad to be leaving this, our first house, and the one in which our grownup life took roots and the only home our children have ever known.  This house has been very good to us, and I hope it will be OK when we aren't here to look after it. 

But most of all I want the process over because I am not the type to make my bed every day just in case someone wants to come see the house while we're all at work and school.